News Archiv 2020/03


Souriau REACH-compliant for aeronautics

12. March 2020

The goal of European REACH regulation is to improve health and environmental protection by banning the use of SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) chemicals and at the same time promoting the competitiveness of the European Union's chemical industries. Souriau, like most manufacturers, uses hexavalent chromium, one of the substances listed as hazardous, in the surface treatment processes for many of its connectors. Although the European Chemicals Agency has granted derogations of up to 12 years depending on the application, Souriau wished to anticipate this deadline. Souriau's R&D has been working for several years on the implementation and validation of this change to its composite connectors, which affected both the products and the production lines. The first REACH connectors in the D38999 composite range were launched during 2019 and by next December, the entire range will be manufactured without the use of hexavalent chromium.